Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Day Four: Rosthwaite to Grasmere

Date: Tuesday 17th July 2007
Mileage: 11 miles
Weather: Showers then sunshine and warmth

I thought today might be any easier day what with the low mileage, etc. Well, it wasn't and I felt quite stretched by the end of it - physically and mentally. It started with a steady climb up Borrowdale towards Lining Crag. On the way, at Stonethwaite, a farmer and his assistants were herding cows (3 cows, 1 bull and two calves) on their quad bikes (you never see a farmer walking). The farmer was calling out "Cush, cush" which echoed round the dale and the cows were mooing back - very atmospheric. It was all very pastoral and rustic until we realised that he was herding the cattle down the walled track we were walking along. I was ready to climb over a fence but the farmer passed by leading the cows and said, "No need - just stand by the wall." So we did. The cows obediently trundled past followed by the farmers two assistants on a second quad. They stopped by us for a chat.....which was lovely. You don't get that if you're hurtling by in a car.

Back to Lining Crag. Well, Stedman (he's the author of our guide book) did mention there were some obstacles to achieving the summit including a rock wall - so today I did scrambling. I scrambled up a slippy, steep rock face (well - it was steep to me who wobbles on the second rung of a step ladder). The heart was racing, the heavy pack forgotten and the tired legs were ignored as I clung on and concentrated on not looking down and reaching the top - which I did! I also did major, gushing stream crossing and peat bog-hopping. So lots of challenges faced and achieved today. D did a great job with navigation when we reached the top as this was another tricky spot to negotiate and find the correct path. The weather had cleared by the time we reached the summit so we decided to do the high level ridge walk to Grasmere. Stunning views but quite tough walking as very rocky, boggy and up and down. The final descent was very steep - glad I had my stick (again). We started at 10 o'clock and did not arrive at the B&B until quarter past five so a very long day for 11 miles.